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    うちの父がかわいい件 – Oh my father!



    Hi there, it’s Koty.

    A colleague said that he wasn’t sure at first that how old I was and which my sex was too!!! I wish I had a chance to be bleached buzz cut. Well, I’m an unique woman and I’m in my late 30’s.


    父とは私がオーストラリア留学で日本の回線を解約して以来、Skypeで会話しています。(帰国以来、私のiPhoneはNo SIMで、なんだかテスト用機種みたいです。)


    My father and I have been chatting each other on Skype since 2018 when I canceled a contract with a Japanese mobile company, for my short study abroad. (After I came back to Japan, my phone looks like a tester because of No SIM.)

    初めての○○に戸惑う父 He perplexed his first…


    Dad: Blah-blah-blah…


    (Me: Reaction for dad’s message)


    Dad: I can see a hand mark, but I’m afraid I don’t know how and what I should do


    Me: Oh, it’s a just reaction. When you tap a smile mark next to a message, you can add an emotion




    Come to think of it, it was first time I’ve ever added a reaction for him. After that he’s not replied to me yet… My explanation might haven’t been enough to understand.

    律儀に訂正する父 Father correcting sincerely


    Dad: I’m working. I can call after 6p.m.


    Me: I got it


    Dad: I’m OK now




    Dad: I’m sorry. A river which flows in Hamburg is Elbe




    He seemed to notice that he had told an wrong information to me 10 minutes after ending a phone call.

    決して他を否定しない表現 Never denies others


    Me: Please text me whether you need or not before the end of the day because a right expires


    Dad: Thanks for caring me. My face can’t be holded by small one. I don’t need as I’ve bought masks. Big thank you for caring me. Please take care of myself COVID increases. I can’t say thank you enough


    シャープさんの小さめマスクが当たった際、いる? と実家に尋ねた時の返事です。


    It is reply for when I had won a box of small SHARP masks, I asked to my father whether he wants to have it. I was thinking about for my mother, but it’s excellent behavior nothing denies even it’s a mask.





    Finally, I’m a little glad my dad praised me.



    Beloved father.




    As it’s my turn officially, I’m going to recommend a movie.

    『夢駆ける馬ドリーマー』(2005・アメリカ) / “Dreamer” 2005, The US




    One day, a man who works at a stock farm couldn’t have a broken filly put down in front of his little daughter. He had the filly and was caring even though he had been fired. A few months later, he and his daughter train it as a racehorse.


    Well, it was been acting by a horse(not filly) at race scene in fact.




    I was so moved although everybody can imagine how the story goes. That might come from the elaborate power of movie. I can recommend the movie for the whole family.







    In reality, I have an experience which I missed a chance to see forever. If you have a person, even it’s not a person, who you want to see, I think you should see as soon as possible, whenever you want. Nobody knows what happens when does.





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    Bye, see you!

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