Hi, there. It’s Koty. I like oyster and mango the most. I hadn’t noticed myself at first. I finally realized when I had been pointed that I loved mango.
A photo below is a whole cake which I gave up to buy because I thought I couldn’t eat all of it by alone. I hope someone give mango cake to me as a birthday present. There is no mango cake in Japan. Well, even if there is the cake, I think it is different. I regret…
By the way, I’m categorized an English speaker at our company(I hope), but I’m originally so bad at English.
I’ll explain how much I couldn’t.
●In my high school, I got grades 1 three times
・・・In Japan, 1 means the worst result. 5 or 10 is the best in each case. If I get 1 at the end of the year, I won’t be able to pass to next grade. Therefore, teachers gave me 2 although I really didn’t have the skill.
●I’ve never scored over 10 point at school exam
・・・The exams are definitely 1 to 100 points. The average was likely 60 points.
●I only scored 70 points out of 200 points at first entrance exam for university
・・・I looked for an university which didn’t have English exam at second entrance exam and first English exam would be smaller as bias.
●I failed English class twice at my university
・・・Generally, English class at unversity in Japan is much easier than high school English. There is no way to fail it.
I can’t believe, I got some skill of English while I was living in Australia. Let me review.
After I quit a teacher job, I started to study in Australia. I was assigned in beginner class. I was depressed because I hoped to finish in advanced class.
I hadn’t known anything for example I had to continue next sentence after one sentence without making new line.
I finished the school in Upper Intermediate. I was a bit quick to get skills.
In my opinion, the class Japanese are assigned at first,
Elementary → lazy student like me
Ple Intermediate → ordinary Japanese
Intermediate → Japanese who have chances to travel abroad
Upper Intermediate → student in department of English
Advanced → crazy
English school generally has 2 classes. First half in the morning is long, second half in the afternoon is short. It is based on grammar text book. Teachers occasionally make us speak in a group or a pair, or make us write, we also had a presentation in each month.
The presentation which has a script aren’t preferred. They liked impromptu.
I memorized all of my script because I didn’t have enough skill of it. It could have been deception…
Moreover, there were oficial group activities which go out together after class at school, there were conversation classes at library or church. The conversation class provide space and topics to talk, and oversea students chat each other.
If I had taken part in the classes every week, I would have got English skills more.
We also able to speak in English when going out with friends, when shopping in markets, we have a lot of to speak in our daily life. I think it is the best merit in study abroad.
Anyway, when I went to Upper level, I still hadn’t known so much vocabulary. Writing and speaking neither. In general, Japanese people are good at grammar, writing is the next, speaking is the worst in each skill. I think except Japanese are completely opposite.
I reccomend to bring “English Grammar in Use”. I also see people who have this book in their native langage. It is sold elementary and intermediate in Japanese ver. it’s enough to study elementary first for us.
I thought I would like to improve my English more when I finished my first school. Then, I decided to extend my visa and enter another school for a half year more.
In the timing, the intermediate text suited me. I was glad I understood my level moved to next.
My second English school doesn’t give me pressure to move to next class, I slowly moved on. I finally entered advanced class and nothing to do anymore, so I tried to study IELTS at the end.
The IELTS class was so difficult and I couldn’t keep up of it, but it was experience too.
After my second school, I’m not sure whether my grammar skill improved because I couldn’t understand the textbook properly as too difficult. I still felt difficulty for expressing what I think, but I believe I got some and I guess we understand how much we don’t know anything when we learn more and more.
I’m now able to translate a little bit when a turist who doesn’t know any word of Japanese is in trouble with a staff who doesn’t speak any English at a clinic.
I scored 715 points at TOEIC, which almost only available in Japan, after study oversea. There is growth.
I feel like I want a global qualification for English later, but I feel that I lost my English skills quickly, so I’m interested in studying in the Philippines in a short period of time.
I scored 715 points at TOEIC, which almost only available in Japan, after study oversea. There is growth.
I feel like I want a global qualification for English later, but I feel that I lost my English skills quickly, so I’m interested in studying in the Philippines in a short period of time.
After this experience, I became to believe I can overcome everything if I have a year even though I’m very not good at.
Let’s learn!
To see my older blog【手抜き料理のススメ】